Monday, May 15, 2023

The Difference Between Evergreen and Time-Sensitive Content

Does your website have a ton of old content?

Do you know the difference between evergreen and time-sensitive content?

The key to great SEO is quality content. If your website has been around for a long time, you probably have a wealth of content—but contrary to common SEO advice, more content is not always better. If your website is bogged down by old, irrelevant, or repeated content, it may actually hurt your rankings. Overused content and keywords can cause your webpages to compete with each other rather than other websites, and old, low-traffic content can be dead weight to your SEO.

Evergreen vs Time-Sensitive

Evergreen content is always relevant to your business and brings in steady traffic. Time-sensitive content is relevant to your business, but may only be relevant for a short period of time. You can clean up your website by updating or repurposing evergreen content over time and evaluating time-sensitive content to see if it can be removed. Removing old, time-sensitive content is another way to help avoid keyword cannibalization. It helps boost your ranking by making way for fresh time-sensitive content.

Learn more about cleaning up your web content here!

Update Your Content with Online Marketing in Ann Arbor, Michigan

Overwhelmed by the prospect of doing a complete audit?

It’s time to turn over your SEO to a professional!

Michigan SEO Group offers online marketing in Ann Arbor, Michigan. We can take the burden of website maintenance and SEO off your shoulders, and our traditional SEO methods keep your content fresh and relevant. If you want help getting your business to page one of Google, call (877) 815-6974 or submit a contact form


  1. This article is a great reminder of the importance of quality content for SEO. It's true that having a lot of content doesn't always guarantee better rankings. I'll definitely take a closer look at my website to see if there's any old, irrelevant content that needs to be cleaned up.

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