Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Website Design and Web Hosting - Why They Matter!

Do You Just Want a Website, or Do You Want a Website Design that Gets Results?

Everyone wants a website that shows up in Google. After all, what good is it to have a website if nobody can find it?  However, it’s one thing to show up when people search for the name of your company, but it’s quite another to show up when people search for the products and services you offer.  These are people who haven’t heard of you, but who are looking for what you offer. That's the promise of having a website with great SEO – to attract new visitors and turn them into customers!

But once people have made it to your site, are they finding what they need? Are they excited about what you offer? If not, it may be your website design that's the problem. 
Over the years, we’ve put a lot of time and energy into solving that problem. We started SEO Ann Arbor to help people get their websites to show up in Google for the right reasons. There’s a lot that goes into making that happen ... to get a snapshot of a few of those things, read the entire article here!

When you think "website design ann arbor" ... we hope you contact us!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Internet Marketing Secrets - What The World Wants!

What Does the World Want?

Last time we talked about making sure you narrow down what you do very, very well, and then to focus on that niche in your internet marketing. The next step is to make sure you know what the world wants when it comes to that niche. Think about it this way - you might sell the best upside down green widgets on the planet, but if nobody's typing "upside down green widgets" into Google, you're not going to get found. Instead, if people have a different way of searching - maybe they type "solve my widget problems"! If you know that, you can present your information in a way that meshes with search habits and also addresses their concerns in a very direct way. 

Learn more about focusing on what the world wants to rocket your internet marketing success upwards with this article.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Internet Marketing Secrets - What You Do Very, Very Well

What Do You Do Very, Very Well?

Before you start working to build your internet presence, it's so important to make sure you know what it is that you do very, very well. When you say it out loud, it sounds silly, but we've worked with so many clients who have never taken the time to really narrow down what they're best at, what they most enjoy, where they make the most difference, and where they make the most profit. As a result, not only does their internet marketing lack focus, not only are they wasting a lot of money on their pay-per-click marketing, but often their businesses struggle as well!

Learn more about narrowing down your online marketing to focus on what you do best with this article.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Internet Marketing Secrets - Use Pay-Per-Click Marketing? Absolutely!

What is Pay-Per-Click Marketing?

Pay-Per-Click marketing is pretty much what it sounds like - you pay a marketing service each time a visitor clicks on a link to your website. The biggest player is Google's Adwords program, but there are others, with Facebook paid ads running a close second. You set up a campaign, select some initial keywords, and write one or more ads that tell potential customers what you offer. Other than a few high-dollar categories like legal services, real estate, and some home improvement categories, most clicks will cost you very little.

Visit our website to learn more about pay-per-click marketing!