Monday, August 15, 2022

Breaking Down Core Web Vitals

Web Design Michigan
Does your website load more slowly than you’d like?

Do you want to keep customers on your site?


Google’s new Core Web Vitals determine the quality of the user experience on your website and play a huge role in determining where your site is ranked. Let’s break them down below.


First Input Delay (FID)

First Input Delay measures the time it takes for your website to respond to someone’s first interaction on the page. These interactions can include menu navigation, search bars, link clicks, etc. When your website first loads, and a potential customer is navigating around the homepage, you want them to be able to use the site ASAP.


Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

Largest Contentful Paint refers to the rendering speed of the largest visible content element on the landing page. The largest element could be something along the lines of a banner image, a large box of text, or a video. It’s important to note that the LCP only includes content that a user can see without having to scroll down on the page.


Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Finally, Cumulative Layout Shift measures the amount of time new content takes to load when scrolling on a page. You want all your content to be buttery-smooth when navigating around your site, or else a user can mis-click and be taken to an undesired page. 


When it comes down to it, Core Web Vitals promote easy to use websites that are a win-win for both site owners and potential customers. A slow-loading site will deter customers and make you lose out on sales. Your site should be a breeze to navigate, and Google will reward you for this.


Looking for Web Design in Michigan?

Michigan SEO Group has improved the search results of businesses since 2006. We design fast, easily customizable websites for our clients that help them attract the web traffic they need. Our sites are built with SEO in mind, which could be the difference between your business showing up on page 1 versus somewhere on page 100!


If you’re looking for a quality web design in Michigan that will boost your search results, give us a call at (734) 619-0736 or Contact Us today!


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