Monday, April 1, 2019

Do you even E-A-T your Y.M.Y.L. Website?

Your Money Your Life websites are held to a pretty high standard by Google and other search engines. If your business is offering health tips and services or if you’re providing financial planning or investment tips – heck – even if you’re a mechanic making a model or tire brand recommendation – you could fall under the Y.M.Y.L. category. This opens your website to extra scrutiny by Google as they try to stamp out harmful misinformation or junk information!

What does that mean for your business?
As part of our Online Marketing for Michigan Businesses initiative, we’ve seen that if you have a Y.M.Y.L. website and your content isn’t of a high enough quality that establishes your Expertise, Authority, or Trustworthiness – E-A-T – Google could actually punish your content or not rank it as highly as one of your competitors!

CLICK HERE to learn more about E-A-T and how you can help turn your Y.M.Y.L. website content around! 


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