Sunday, March 15, 2020

Taking the Best Photos for Instagram

If you have your business on Instagram, your posts have to look good! Check out these quick and easy tips for professional-looking Instagram photos:

-Use contrast! Contrasting colors create a strong impression.

-Use negative space. Remember that the space around the subject of your photo is often as important as the subject itself! Using negative space properly can make an otherwise simple image pop!

-Keep it clean and focus on one object. Keep in mind how people view Instagram: on mobile devices. The screen is tiny, and your post shouldn’t be cluttered with detail.

-Follow the rule of thirds. Imagine your picture is a 3 x 3 grid. Try to place objects of interest at the intersections of that grid. It might be unintuitive, but placing something right in the middle doesn’t quite catch the eye like these “power points” do.

Find out more about how social media can grow your Michigan business!


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