Monday, February 8, 2016

We Love Our Clients - Partners in Personal Assistance!

We are so proud to be helping to promote Partners in Personal Assistance (PPA) with their online presence! 

Partners in Personal Assistance is an Ann Arbor nonprofit that provides in-home and community-based personal assistant services. PPA offers an empowering solution for people with disabilities and elders who want to exercise independence and self determination in their personal care.

PPA's innovative approach to personal assistance achieves a level of integration, empowerment, and equality that benefits both Consumer Partners (Consumers) and Personal Assistants (PAs). People with disabilities are able to live more stable lives due to high-quality assistance, and personal assistants are able to make a meaningful difference in their clients' lives while earning a decent income. 

Consumers and PAs interview each other to decide if they want to work together. Each one has a choice in whether to collaborate as a team and set their schedule together.

If you'd like to find ways to help PPA, please let us know. We'd love to make the introductions! If you'd like to learn more about how SEO Ann Arbor could help with your online presence, take a look at our website!