In the age of constant computer use, hacking is a serious crime. Sadly, it’s also very common, and the victims can suffer anything from a minor inconvenience to a completely destroyed livelihood.
If you ARE hacked, the best thing you can do is immediately report it. If you’re hacked on social media, you’ll probably get an email saying that passwords or emails are being changed; make use of the “this wasn’t me” function in those emails. Try to change your passwords and lock down your accounts as soon as possible. It might not be in your power to remove the hacker from the account completely, but you CAN lock down the account to keep them from doing any more damage.
Once that’s done, you should talk to the support team of the platform you were hacked on. This could be the support team directly tied to the platform, such as the Meta support team for Facebook and Instagram; or, if your business website was hacked, then you may have the option to work with an IT company to restore control.
Secure Your Website with an Ann Arbor SEO Company
When Michigan SEO Group manages your website and social media, we do everything in our power to secure your data and keep out hackers. If you’re looking at Ann Arbor SEO Companies, reach out to our team here or call (877) 815-6974 to get started.